i'm back baby...

this time i mean it...internet sorted...no more excuses...its time to get blogging. a fair bit of gardening, cooking & crafting has been happening & i have a couple of ideas up my sleeve that i'm hopefully going to be able to showcase here shortly.

in the meantime i'm going to hit the garden. winter means there isn't much action happening but with my daughters love affair with fish at the moment i decided to rig up a mini aquaponics system to grow some strawberries and some goldfish for her. i've never done it before & its a bit of an experiment but i'm keeping fingers crossed that it'll work & i may be able to roll out a bigger version one day with fish of the edible variety.

the setup is pretty simple:
pond full of water with submersible pump
water is pumped up to a dish full of aerated gravel
the dish has a drainage hole on the side that sends the water back into the pond

the idea is that:
the water pumped up to the plants carries the fish poo which feeds the plants
the water that drains back into the pond has been cleaned by the plants providing a clean environment for the fishies

the strawberries should grow in a weeping fashion over the side, hiding the gravel & my unsightly makeshift construction work. keeping the strawberries elevated should also keep them away from hungry ground dwelling bugs. i'll let you know how it goes.

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