happy tree planting day...

yesterday was national tree planting day & although it wasn't a new tree...we relocated a very old pear tree that my dad gave us to our backyard. lots of cursing and a sore back but its in the ground and now all fingers crossed that it settles in well.

the beautiful weather we're having at the moment has also made me contemplate my spring vegie garden but as we're suffering some serious frost i thought indoors might be the best place to kick start some tomatoes & basil. i also found a new use for my cake stand...its creating the perfect humid environment for them. they've been in a week & they're already showing their little heads. i'm keeping my fingers crossed for a lot of little experiments at the moment.

last but by no means least...i'd thought i'd reintroduce our old ladies & introduce our new ones. our old ladies we purchased whilst we were renting but made the move to our new place with us & we've now added 2 more to the brood. i absolutely adore my ladies & couldn't live without the eggs & compost they create for us...they're also our garbage disposal units & fabulous entertainment for my daughter. weeds in the garden (not necessarily always just weeds, sometimes newly planted vegies) are quickly picked up by her & eagerly fed to them at arm length away from the fence. the chooks extend their heads through the fence as much as they can squeeze but often give up much to her disappointment. they're the best babysitters by far!!

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