doing stuff...

so i even got the paintbrushes out about a month ago & slapped a cow on a canvas...then even after convincing myself that I could actually commit to painting another couple of things...alas a distraction in the form of a little girl who is in love with hoot the owl from abc for kids...

a little backpack that was supposed to be a chrissy gift but she has already been caught a couple of times wearing it. so now there's just a whole heap more chrissy gifts to finish & i might have to get back to making myself some clothes...summer is here & my wardrobe is bare!!

on a side aquaponics experiment didn't exactly fail but it didn't exactly work abundance of strawberries...not very sweet & some very sickly looking plants meant that some drastic action needed to be i bought a proper system from backyard aquaponics. what can i say...i got the aquaponics now we have 17 little barramundi living with the goldfish from the previous system (until they become barra food or relocated). will take some happy snaps but its going through a 'greening' faze at the moment ie its got a lot of algae & so its a little hard to see the fishies. i still only plan to grow strawberries but i am experimenting with trying to sprout some more water hungry plants in it stuff.

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